Read our blog to find out all the tips related to penis enlargement. How to enlarge or lengthen the penis naturally? Homemade methods to add a few centimeters. To know if you have an average height, if so, what techniques to use to reach the average?
See penis sizes by region.
Why enlarge or enlarge your penis?

We need to prove that we are really men, said a citizen of France during a survey carried out by a medical team specializing in problems related to sexuality. That's not all, he goes on to say a man's penis must have at least an average and acceptable shape to be able to satisfy a woman. This leads us to conclude that the size of the penis is an important subject in the couple. We therefore need to naturally enlarge or enlarge our penis to fill this void if it really exists. We need to enlarge the penis to meet at least the acceptable standards which are 14 to 15 cm. We also need to enlarge the penis, because we find it pretty or beautiful, when it is big and large.

For a bigger and harder bangala.
Find a natural product to enlarge the penis. A natural product to quickly enlarge the zizi in a few days. This 100% natural medicine is one of the best for having a large and long penis. It is a composition of plants and herbal teas for a safe enlargement of your penis.
Men usually complain when they have a small penis. This suggests that these men care about size. When a man realizes that his penis is not in line with the standards compared to others, his self-confidence drops and is cut off from the world.
Men are concerned about penis size because they believe it affects their performance for their partners' satisfaction during sex. Although some claim that this is a myth, most people prefer larger penis sizes in order to have a more pleasurable sexual experience.
How to enlarge the penis: Penis lengthening techniques.
For a long time, the idea of penis enlargement or enlargement has been a preoccupation of experts in the field in order to find a satisfactory and lasting solution. Men browse the net throughout the day to find techniques or products that can allow them to give their penis a plus. This is becoming more and more a real concern not only for those in need but also for the sex industry which is constantly putting the means into the search for a better and more suitable solution. That being said, what are the techniques or products that have been proven so far in penis enlargement?
The technique of massaging and stretching the penis:
This technique is possible as long as you have a penis of an acceptable size. She does not often walk with small penises or micro-penises.
Cosmetic surgery:
It works, but very expensive. Penis surgery allows you to gain a few centimeters, but you have to pay thousands of dollars, not to mention the effects it could have on your body.
Pumps and penile expanders:
Pumps allow you to have a quick erection. The technique allows the penis to be inserted into the pump and then pumped so that the penis grows. This technique can lead to complications.
Medicines and products
Many are for sale on the net, but the most important thing is to make the right choice
Men don't just care about sexual impotence and erectile dysfunction but also about size because they know that a small penis has certain drawbacks and can really impact their performance in bed. For example, according to beliefs, the bigger a penis, the harder it is capable of erection compared to a smaller one.
If the size of the penis is below normal, one is more likely to suffer or ejaculate too quickly without worrying if one's partner reaches orgasm or not.
The normal size of the penis
La taille normale du pénis varie d'un homme à un autre. Il mesure moins de 10 centimètres ou atteindre plus de 21 centimètres.
La taille moyenne du pénis d'un homme est généralement d'environ 14 centimètres lors de l'érection.
Un pénis au repos dont la taille est de 6 à 14 centimètres ne préjuge pas de la taille du pénis.
A la naissance, la taille moyenne du pénis étirée est d'environ 4 centimètres.
90% des nouveau-nés ont un pénis dont la taille est comprise entre 2,4 et 5,5 centimètres.
La taille moyenne du pénis au début de la puberté est de 6 centimètres.
Ainsi, à l'âge adulte, un pénis mesurant moins de 7 centimètres en érection sera qualifié de micropénis.

The micropenis is a penis whose average size is less than 7 centimeters when erect in adulthood. The average size of the penis at the beginning of puberty, which is about 6 centimeters, cannot be called a micropenis.
There can be many causes:
. Insensitivity of tissues to androgens,
. Malformations with or without chromosome abnormalities,
. Insufficient production of androgens.
Allongement du pénis.
Face à toutes ces préoccupations ou indignations on est amené à courir derrière les techniques et méthodes nous permettant d'allonger notre pénis.
Toutes les techniques et méthodes sont bonnes mais il faudrait bien faire le choix pour éviter des problèmes après.
Nombreux sites proposent des techniques d'allongement de pénis. Si l'on se fie aux innombrables sites internet consacrés à l'allongement du pénis, on constate que le problème est loin d'être réglé.
Les crèmes, les gels et les lotions représentent également une part importante du marché de l'allongement de pénis. Leur composition diffère l'un de l'autre mais contiennent des substances comme l'aspirine, de l'ail qui peuvent produire des effets non souhaités.
Avec tous ces problèmes, nous vous conseillons notre herbe VERGEUS® pour agrandir votre pénis en quelques jours sans risque d'effets secondaires

Why do we need to enlarge or lengthen the penis?
Several answers have been sent to us by experts who have been working on this problem of penis enlargement and lengthening for years. While some people think that enlarging or lengthening the penis is not important, others believe that the size and shape of a penis plays a very important role in a couple.
However, it is necessary to enlarge and lengthen the penis in the following cases "according to experts in penis enlargement and lengthening"
- When our penis is below the norm.
- When you have a micro-penis.
- When your partner asks for it, if she notices it, because a fulfilling sexual relationship is one that both parties are satisfied with.
- When you notice that your partner is suffering from a wide vaginal opening.
- If you just need for an experience.
Are there really products to enlarge the penis?
To this question we say yes. There are products to enlarge or lengthen the penis. But the observation that has been made is that these products do not work on everyone. Thus, it is very important to follow the advice for the use of these products. Don't forget that today there are enough liars on the net who offer products to enlarge and lengthen the penis. So be very careful with these liars who offer products that can have harmful effects on the body.
Does Vergeus really work?
Vergeus works without fail. Vergeus is one of the best products for enlarging and lengthening the penis.
Vergeus is a plant from Africa that has long been used in some localities to enlarge and lengthen the penis. In these localities, when a child comes into the world and if it is a boy, every evening the leaves of this plant are soaked in water. The little boy sits in the water for 3 to 5 minutes. When the latter is large, no more micro-penis problems, impotence, erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction.
Vergeus has been designed for years to allow men who find themselves in need to enlarge and lengthen their penis.
Vergeus is effective and does not produce any effect on the body.
Les vertus de vergeus

vergeus est une racine de plante qui fonctionne avec efficacité sur les hormones mâles et qui permet le développement des caractères sexuels chez les hommes.
Il est 100% naturel sans risques d'effets secondaires.
Ce produit vous permet d'augmenter la taille de votre pénis en 1 mois. A partir du 2° mois, vous allez constater une augmentation de 3 centimètres.
Comment vergeus fonctionne?
. Il améliore la production des androgènes( hormones mâles)
. Il permet une érection de qualité
. Il agit sur le muscle cremaster et empêche le pénis de se retracter pendant le froid ou au moment du stress.
Un médicament pas comme les autres.
Vergeus, est un médicament naturel, une tisane et une pommade fabriquées avec des plantes et racines et ayant pour constituant principal, la plante vergeus. Ce médicament naturellement africain permet de grossir le zizi. Il permet à votre bite d'être plus gros et long. C'est un médicament qui agrandit votre pénis en quelques jours seulement. Vous pouvez l'utiliser aussi pendant 2 voir 4 à 6 mois pour avoir un pénis de grande taille.
Pourquoi utiliser vergeus?
Pour donner un plus à votre pénis.
Pour Grossir ou allonger votre zizi.
Pour un pénis de rêve.
Pour plus de performance au lit.
Pour donner plus de joie à votre partenaire.
Comment Utiliser vergeus?
NB: vous recevrez la tisane et la pommade en même temps, Les deux doivent aussi être utiliser au même moment.
Verser le produit dans une bouteille.
Ajouter 1,5 litre d'eau.
Remuer pendant 1 minute pour obtenir un bon mélange
Commencer le traitement après 24 heures.
Un petit verre matin et soir pendant 1 mois.
Appliquez la pommade 2 fois par jour (matin et soir après la douche) sur le pénis et le masser en le tirant.
NB : Bien suivre l'évolution de votre pénis. Si après un mois vous constatez la taille ou norme voulue, arrêtez automatique l'utilisation.




"je voudrais savoir si vergeus a encore d'effet après 1 mois d'utilisation. J'avais utilisé le produit et j'ai gagné 1,5 cm et il reste un peu. après 2 mois je voudrais encore ajouter 0.5 cm. ou bien dois-je encore acheter 1 pack.
merci" Prakis de la Belgique.

"J'avais eu de doute sur ce produit. je me rend compte qu'il est efficace." Samuel de la Turquie.

"Depuis que j'ai acheté vergeus, je me sens plus bien. Avec ma partenaire plus de soucis. Merci pour vous". Germain de la France.
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